Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I knew this would happen, I just didn't think it would be so soon. This morning, Maddie chewed a hole in Steve Burgess's armpit and now he is hemmorhaging fluff everywhere. We immediately had to confiscate him, feverishly gather and replace as much fluff as possible, and isolate him securely in a drawer. Now it's up to me to find a sewing kit over my lunch break, and perform trauma surgery, stat. Check back for details. Obviously, the deeper question for all of us to ponder here is, why do we destroy the ones we love? No Maddie, it doesn't hurt so good. Not for Steve.

In other news, The Drowsy Chaperone was a great musical! It was really fun and entertaining. Snaps to my old roomie Ashley for going with me. We had a great time! We sat in the front row, and let me tell you, it is a whole different experience that close up. We could see the droplets of sweat on the actors and the spit that issued forth during various numbers. We could also see everything going on backstage, on the left and right. While all of this may have distracted others, it only added to the experience for me. Yay musical theater!


meg said...

Poor Steve Burgess!

nikki webb said...

Steve had it coming.

Anonymous said...

If memory serves your exposure to sewing is minimal - wearing a dress mom made for you(or really for Nikki) doesn't count, so did you think about buying another Steve on your lunch break? Perhaps you should stockpile "Steves" and relieve the pressure you have been under waiting for this day.

nikki webb said...

Maria- you forget all the practice she had in this specific "surgery" when examining our stuffed animals. I remember one pound-puppy with lots of "stitches".

Ashley said...

I'm glad to see it's not just Kai who destroys the ones she loves. But you are a much better parent - you at least attempt surgery. Me on the other hand - I just throw the poor thing out and go to my stockpile drawer and hope to God there is another toy in there. Speaking of which, I am running low. Must restock.

Thanks so much for inviting me to The Drowsy Chaperone! I loved it!! And being that close was a great experience - spit and all!

Mom2 said...

I sympathize with Steve. We've lost many 'Steves" to MM and Sable's acrobatic displays of affection. Thanks, too, for the movie review. Love Clint and plan to see the movie. Also want to see Valkyrie(sp?). Watched the 2 hour History Channel of the real event. I highly recommend it.

Ashley said...

Guess what?? I was in a meeting yesterday and they were introducing new staff and this guy stood up and his name was Steve Burgess!!! I almost laughed out loud right there in the meeting! All I could think of when I looked at him was the hommorhaging fluff!

Betsy said...

That is hilarious! It couldn't have been our Steve Burgess -- I mean, if only he were gainfully employed or contributing to society. Steve Burgess! My nemesis.