Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Confession Time

So I felt better after my last post, wherein I confessed to being scared of homeless people who talk to themselves. That got me thinking that perhaps it might be good for me to bare my soul about a few other facts about myself that I’m not necessarily super duper proud of, but that are true as the day is long and denying them is futile. Here’s what I got:

1) We all know I love Barbra, soft rock, show tunes, and classical music. But I also love me some gangsta rap songs... I mean really really love them, and some with truly indefensible lyrics. I can’t help it - they get me pumped up and they are absolutely essential when I work out. I don’t necessarily approve of the sentiments of the rappers, of course, but I have to listen to something upbeat and energetic when I’m exercising, right? I mean throw me a bone (Thugs n’ Harmony) here.

2) I secretly judge people for certain types of improper grammar.

The most egregious grammar offenses:

a) You’re v. your
b) It’s v. its
c) Using apostrophes to denote plurality (example: I have two dog’s, as opposed to one), and apostrophe abuse in general.

Now, I’m not saying I never make mistakes, because I do, and sometimes I take considerable artistic license with grammar on this blog (I like dashes, parentheses, and ellipses), because I feel that phrasing a sentence a certain way better expresses my point and my personal voice.

I’m also not necessarily offended by other types of technically incorrect grammatical phrasing, like dangling participles and ending sentences with prepositions, I mean, who doesn’t do that? I'm sure I make mistakes all the time and I'm not even aware that it's happening. In short, I'm not a grammar snob, BUT the repeated violation of a, b, and c get to me. If you have a problem with a, b, or c: get help.

3) I am pretty much incapable of wasting anything. Gavin thinks I somehow traveled back in time and lived through the Great Depression and then came back to the present and married him because I am so parsimonious with our money and if we buy something we better use it all the time. If it’s food, we better eat all of it.

With regard to household items and clothes, I tend to pathologically break the utility of things I buy down into units of one dollar. For example, if I’m going to spend $50 on that sweater, I need to know that I’m going to wear the sweater 50 times. If I’m going to spend $1,000 on a TV, then we are going to need to keep it long enough to watch at least 1000 hours of programming. I think it is a good system because it really makes you think before you purchase. This is why I go to the library: because under my system, it’s difficult to justify paying $25 for a book I will read one time. If I do have to buy a book (this only occurs under very limited circumstances, like when we need a travel book or my book club selection is not available at the ‘brary) I buy used from amazon.com. Yes, I’m deranged and possibly dangerous.

Honestly, I’m trying to relax a little bit about this, but it’s just me; I can’t help it. I can honestly say though, that it has helped me save a lot of money over the years. If anyone wants to psychoanalyze me, go for it.

4) There are at least ten (10) people from college who have friended me on facebook that I don't remember at all. I have no idea who they are but I am pretty sure we knew each other at some point because we have lots of mutual friends and it makes sense that we would have been pals once upon a time. I was pretty social in college so I'm sure at that point in my life I looooved these people and hung out with them at parties and stuff. This is my fault, not theirs. So I fake it. Sometimes it comes back to me after a few days, weeks, or months. Sometimes it doesn't.

5) Last night I ate ice cream directly from the carton.

Ahhhh confession is good for the soul.


meg said...

i am your grammar offender, arent i?! that 'its' thing...I just hate apostrophes in email, text, and sometimes on the blog! is it the extra time it takes? maybe. but prolly just laziness.

Anonymous said...

Betsy...where did you come from? Certainly not my free-spending loins! If I hadn't nursed you for forty-five minutes directly after your birth, and watched as you recognized your Daddy's voice immediately when he came in the next morning I would say the hospital pulled a switch...but then again you are so Jack with a piece of me-ma's thriftiness thrown in...make a New Years resolution to throw some money away once in a while. It's good for the soul. (proper use of it's noted) Eat a piece of Chocolate for God's sake, and loosen up! As Jackie Kennedy said..."if I had known what I know now, I would have done a lot fewer sit-ups." Life is a feast...enjoy! Luv from nonnimus
My Betsy sparrow spends
But life is JOY exploding
Live a little now....

Betsy said...

Meg - it’s (note the usage) definitely not you - I’ve never noticed you doing this, but I probably will from now on. Heh. I actually don’t even have anyone specific in mind; this is just something I notice intermittently.

Mom: please don’t ever refer to me as coming from your loins or anyone else’s. In fact, don’t ever use the word loins again. Gonna vom. Love you!

nikki webb said...

I, too, secretly judge people for grammar errors. However, my judgement usually comes more from spoken errors, rather than written. Written errors catch my attention and annoy me, but I usually assume it was a typo of some sort. My keyboard sucks, so I can sympathize. When someone is speaking to me using improper verb tense or vocabulary I always want to correct them. However, I refrain because I also judge people who openly correct others. I don't want to be THAT girl.

I'm not quite buying the severity of your frugality. Anyone who travels as much as you (weren't staying in hostels in Italy, were you?) isn't a cheapskate. Nice try.

Betsy said...

First of all, I'm not a cheapskate, I'm just a thoughtful spender. Second, this system only applies to material things, not to traveling expenses. I may deny myself material things, but I do not deny myself experiences.

Unknown said...


This blog really speaks to me (in grammatically correct English of course).

Two other peeves of mine:
1) Ok, so I check craigslist every day to see what sorts of goodies people are tossing out these days, and I always see people refer to bookcases as bookshelves. I'd estimate that 1 out of every 10 listings incorrectly uses the word bookshelf. For some strange reason this really bothers me.

2) I also have a problem with people using the word "literally" when they really mean figuratively. It figuratively drives me insane!

I hope this doesn't make me a bad person, but there you have it. I hope to see you Thursday. Have your people (Gavin) call my people (Alan).

Ta ta,

Anonymous said...

O.K. Bets...we found you under the cabbage leaves one day some 29 years ago..(no comment on my attempt to high-koo)? Too many syllables in the first line? ...artistic license...nonnimus

Unknown said...

My grammar/slang pet peeves:

1)“For all intensive purposes.”
3)Anything that contains “izzle”
4)“rediculous”—I guess the first occurrence of something is just diculous?

E. Peterman said...

Fantastic post. As you know, we share many of the same grammar obsessions, but we are not the ones with the problem! I would pay good money to see you sing along with L'il Wayne.

Anonymous said...

Its about time you gave theese grammer ishews there dew.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Remember the Friends episode when Ross calls Rachel out on the use of your and you're in the letter she writes him? Ahhhh what sophisticated humor!

My grammar peeves:
1. I'm doing good - instead of -
I'm doing well
2. To, too, two errors
3. irregardless
4. irrespective

I am afraid if you don't change your frugal ways I could find you on the library steps remarking to yourself about reading a new hardback 28 times.
Where does your booze purchasing/consuming figure into this crazy ass equation in your head? Just wondering........

Love you,

Anonymous said...


I almost forgot - I heart hip-hop! Love it, love it - hip hop artists are modern day poets - with more style and coolness!

So, my sis, you are not alone in destroying the demographic of hip-hop itunes purchasers.

nikki webb said...

ummmm....hello?! i think there was a kitchen full of irish/german girls all related to Betsy on Thanksgiving singing "Apple Bottom Jeans" at full volume (and dancing, i dread to add). She is not alone in the hip-hop dept.

Anonymous said...

What????!!!! You didn't like the slap my own ass move?"

Boots with the fur - with the FUR!!!!

Betsy said...

Maria - I love that episode of Friends - I remember it well because I related so closely to the your/you're frustration.

I love the slap-your-own-ass move, btw! Keep slappin'!

Sherry Tomberlin said...

I am never leaving comments on your blog again in fear of being judged. Like Meg, I use 'its' out of laziness. XOXO