Sunday, May 4, 2008

We're Back!!!

Heyyyyy! We are officially BACK from our world travels. We just got back today - looooong day of flying - but we had a fantastic time on this trip. As I blog, I am wearing an I heart Belfast t-shirt to prove it.

Anyway, sorry I've been missing in action, but the cruise ship internet cost $0.65 per minute (WTF???!!!) AND was super duper slow, because it was a satellite uplink connection. So, once I checked my work email to make sure my work ducks were in a row, and my personal email to make sure my dogs were still alive, I had already run up a decent sized bill. My commitment to blogging and my legendary frugality were at war on the high seas, and well, the cheapness armada won out, as usual.

So I have to take this opportunity to give my pal Mary a HUGE shout out. She not only took us to the airport and picked us up, but she fed our fish AND acted as our emergency vet contact. This turned out to be very important because Sugarbear had some actual health problems while we were gone and Mary had to authorize some medication. Then, she went and picked up both my babies a few days early so she could care for them herself. Anyone who has ridden in the car with Maddie realizes now that Mary seriously took one for the team here. Three cheers! I am going to do something special for her but haven't decided what quite yet. Suggestions?

Ok, well I'm exhausted and prob going to hit the sack soon, but check back for pics soon!!! Pip pip and cheerio.


Anonymous said...

Ah, don't mention it. Sure driving with both dogs in the two door Hyundai was a loud and furry death wish, but we all emerged unharmed. We had fun! Especially when Maddie stepped in poo then hopped up on the bed. I was wondering how dogs managed to avoid stepping in poo. Answer: they don't.

meg said...

Yay! You are back!

Sounds like you need to send Mary on a cruise of her own :)

nikki webb said...

I'm sure she's thought of that. Betsy will do anything to get to babysit that little Taco.