Monday, February 18, 2008

Young, eager med student, at your cervix.

So today I had my dreaded annual complete physical, which of course included a girl-parts exam. Yay. I mean, we all hate it but you have to do it so whatever.

Anyway, today I discovered that my doctor is working with FSU Medical School by helping to train young med students. Admirable. So as I'm lying on the table in clothes of paper, waiting for my ordeal to begin and then promptly end so I can get on with my life, my doctor poked his head in the door and asked if I would mind if the male med student observed. Well I hate to stand in the way of professional development, so I consented.

So in walks a nice YOUNG man of maybe 23 (first year student). He was fresh out of college and definitely looked it. He was probably doing keg stands at the Pike house six months ago and here he is, seeing everything. I mean everything. He saw stuff I've never seen.

I've never been particularly modest; I mean, if you are a female member of my family, a close friend, a former roommate, or my husband, chances are good that you have seen me naked, or I have at least mooned you. However, even I had to blush today. My favorite part, "Have you ever seen a cervix, Matt? No? Do you mind if Matt looks at your cervix?" Wow. I have to laugh though - you don't hear that question every day!

Anyway, he was a nice guy and shook my hand and thanked me after it was over. I thought it was funny and no regrets of course. He needs to learn, after all. I always like to help if I can, and I'm glad I could lend a cervix.


Ashley Turnbull said...

Bets - just ridiculous! If it happens, it happens to you, right? Although, I can say that you are probably the one person that can laugh that one off!

Betsy said...

I know! It was funny - I think the little doctor-to-be was more uncomfortable than I was though, poor kid. Hope I don't run into him at the grocery store...

Emily Chappell said...

Oh my soul, I would have died.

meg said...

I'm the girl that gets so splotchy that it makes everyone feel uncomfortable, but probably not as uncomfortable as my sweating through the paper clothes before the doctor comes in. If Dr. Heidi pulls that with me next month, I'm going to have to decline science. "Sorry, Science, I'm a bit modest."

nikki webb said...

Speaking as someone who has been seen practically inside out by everyone in my delivery room, (including a future brother-in-law who shall remain nameless) even i would have told Science to shove it...especially if i were unwaxed!

lindseykennedy said...

OMG BETS! I really would have died. Right then and there. That is NOT ok. I guess you hve to start somewhere though, right?

Anonymous said...

OH Bets, this happened to me the last time I went to the Gyno too! It is quite embarrassing and not only was my med student a young male, he was also HOT. I mean Smoking HOT.