Friday, January 25, 2008

Back in Business

I'm back in a book club! Last year, I started a book club with some of my friends in town. It was really fun and we had a good thing going. We would get together at someone's house, eat goodies, drink mimosas, discuss the book, and hang. But then people in the club started getting uppity and making "life decisions." They started doing things like taking out-of-state bar exams, moving away, and popping out puppies. Sure enough, membership dwindled and our little upstart book club petered out. It was sad, but that is the way it goes, I guess.

Then, last month, I was talking to a friend of ours at Gavin's office Christmas party. She also likes to read and after learning of my recent book club breakup, she invited me to be in her book club! At first I thought - maybe it's too soon. The wounds are still fresh and smart a little. But after much contemplation I decided to get back on that horse. Last night was our first meeting, and we discussed Water for Elephants, which incidentally is the last book our club read, but never discussed. Poignant.

Anyway, the meeting was Phat with a capital Ph. I am always looking to meet new friends and I think this is going to be a great experience. The book was also fantastic, and gave us some very interesting stuff to talk about. We also discussed the tv shows we like, and general life. It's so nice to have girlfriends - I miss mine from college soooo much. Yay!

On another note - still haven't heard from the vet about Maddie's snout tumor. I'm afraid to call. Maybe no news is good news? I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

meg said...

no news is good news...let us know if you do hear.

yay for book club! I would like your reader's opinion and synposis of that book here, and perhaps all the books you read for book club. It would be great to get some recommendations.