Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Working out

Working out has become somewhat of a struggle for me. Once upon a time in my life, I had all kinds of time to devote to my physical well-being. Now that I work full time (plus some) and am responsible for running an actual household, I find it more and more difficult to squeeze it into my day. I manage, but I’m starting to wonder if I’d just rather be fat. I work out extra hard on weekends to make my weeks easier, but my weekday workouts are now limited to the wee hours before work (excruciating on cold dark mornings), going after work (usually not an option because let’s face it I want a beer), and going at lunchtime. The last one is interesting. Something about taking a shower in a third location, putting your work clothes back on, and heading back to work is strange. Also, I have to pencil the food part in either an hour before or an hour after. On the other hand, it’s nice to get away, work out the mid-day frustration, and feel more productive afterwards. My gym is right down the road from my work so I can do this relatively quickly and easily if I remain focused. This scenario is growing on me. The fact is, I can joke about quitting the workouts, but I love to chow, so it’s this or I wind up on the Dr. Phil show, wearing a tent and attached to a crane. So I’ll just keep plugging along I guess. Encouragement is appreciated!

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