Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Weekend

Valentine's Day was wayyy fun this year! Gavin and I grilled out steaks, popped open some wine, and hung out at the house. We thought about watching a movie, but decided to play Monopoly instead, and it was really fun and different. Yesterday Gavin barbecued all day long and last night we had Alan and Lori over to help us eat it and watch Big Love. Woo hoo!

So check out Maddie's new obsesssion. Meet Frankly Burgess. He's a chia teddy bear that Santa/Grandma also brought. This is him on Friday, before Maddie ate his face off. He's a little thinner now, but still hanging in there. I think we should all think twice before we get too attached to Frankly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay, a shout-out.

Big Love- The whole premise of that show is so messed up but now I wanna know what happens with wife #4. No spoilers. Alan & I will Netflix it.